Lahna is usually a very happy baby and such a sweet heart, but she can also be Trouble! She loves to unroll the toilet paper and although she does these things I keep thinking how much more she will get into once she starts walking...
Lahna found a grasshopper on the ground and before I could stop her she had it in her mouth, there I am fishing an insect leg out of her mouth and yet it wasn't the first time. I've also had to stop her from eating a moth and a cicada. It's not just bugs either, I still can't keep her away from the dog and cat food.
"Hey Mom, look what I found!" |
So proud. |
I also can't keep Lahna in her highchair when she eats. No matter how fast I shovel food in her mouth she just can't seem to sit still.
She may look all sweet and innocent....
Just standing big deal. |
Okay, crawling off the highchair tray...kind of a big deal. "Am I doing something wrong?" |
You may be thinking that I should just strap her in, but I find it easier to just make her eat on the floor...and no I'm not kidding, who cares if she eats like a sure makes her happy ( :
While exploring Katie's room one day Lahna happened upon a box of Hot Tamales and of course the first thing she does is stick one in her mouth. I thought she would think it was hot and spit it out, but oh no she grabbed for another one. Now every time you take your eyes off her she darts for the stairs sprints up them and is in Katie's room with her little hand deep in the box before you can even blink.
Trying to figure out how to open the box. |
Angry face. She can no longer get the box open! |
Trying to climb out of the bath tub. |
Making a face at me when I tell her to sit back down. |
She found the debit card...way too young to start that! |
And of course her go-to move...eating the wallet! |
The screen door at my mom's house has been cut open at the bottom for a make-shift cat door, courtesy of the cats who live there. Lahna has seen the cats crawl out the door millions of times and has now decided she wants to be like them.
Don't worry I'm at the bottom of the stairs...
Yes she may be Trouble and she may get into everything and she will most definitely get into more trouble the older she gets but I love her all the same. I mean look at this cute little face...