Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Lahna loves playing in the snow and sledding.  Aunt Katie wanted to get pictures of her riding on the reindeer.

Sitting with Santa in the sled.

Lahna's baby snowman
The first time we went sledding I wasn't so sure what she would think but after going down the hill a couple of times with me and Aunt Katie she wanted to go all by herself.

Climbing back up.  It was a good workout!

We went sledding again with the boys.  This time we packed them all into the wagon to take them down to the park.

Jackson is nice and comfy in the middle!

All three on the tobaggan

Jamie with all three kids

Jackson liked going down the hill on his tummy.

Ryan didn't love sledding but he loved laughing when Lahna and Jackson went down the hill.

Cute face!

Lahna and Mimi

Jamie made Ryan go down...he wasn't thrilled

Jackson just chilling while Jamie pulls him back up the hill
Lahna and Jackson were crazy kids on the sled.  They loved it!

We thought it would be fun to make hot chocolate when we got back from sledding.  It was fun for the kids who made a giant mess by spilling it down themselves, the table, and the floor!  

Ryan could care less about the hot choc. he just wants the marshmallows!
Look at the table in front of the kids...the difference in boys and girls should be apparent.

Messy Jackson ( :

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pictures and video! I remember when Phil and Liz were that age and were out in the snow for the first time (in Delaware). What wonderful memories you are making with your children!
