Friday, July 5, 2013


We love summer! 
Our summer was filled with some of the best things...
shorts, tanktops, bare feet, grilling, swimming, corn on the cob, fireflies, picnics, 
sand castles, watermelon, swinging, camping, boat rides,and smores.

Lahna decided to eat dinner in her underwear while wearing goggles.Bowen thought it was an interesting choice for the dinner table and couldn't stop staring at her.

My sweet kids eating watermelon on the kitchen counter.

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed with the blessings God has given me.

There's nothing like taking a bath in the sink on a hot summer day.

Lahna found a dinosaur costume she just had to try on.

4th of July! 
There's nothing like going to the parade and then spending the day 
sitting by the pool with your family and friends!

Papa brought Lahna a backpack filled with fireworks. I doubt it was made for a 2 year old but she was excited. She was so proud of it she wore it all day. She loved setting off the fireworks with Daddy and Papa.

Showing off her backpack.

Lahna loves her Papa.

Ryan and Jackson at the parade.

An icee in one hand and a dum-dum in the other!

Bowen got bored after awhile and decided to tell the parade what he thought...not nice Bowen!

We had cake for Jamie's 30th birthday!

The boys helped Jamie blow out her candles.
This summer we spent a lot of time at the beach. It's not the ocean but the kids loved playing in the sand.

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