Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The last few weeks

Lahna gets fussy every night at about 9 o'clock.  We found that giving her a bath really calms her down.

Lahna does two things during tummy time.  She sits up like this or she eats the blanket and when figuring out she can't get milk out of it she starts to scream.

Lahna's sweet pink kicks.

Trying to roll over...her belly gets in the way!

Who wouldn't want to be carried around while they sleep?

Lahna hanging out with her kitty friend

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm so glad you've joined the blogosphere. I love being able to share photos and updates with people this way--especially since we're so far away.
    Lahna. is. adorable! I'm way impressed at her tummy-time and almost-rolling. Charlie just screams and bashes his face into the blanket during tummy time :) He hates it, and doesn't sit up except to scream louder. Haha! Hope you're getting more sleep than the last time I saw you.
