Thursday, January 20, 2011

Skills of a 7 week old

This week we finally recovered from our family cold and are much better.  Lahna has been talking and smiling more than crying which is always a plus.  She has also learned some new skills this week that include the following:

Skill #1) Drooling...I'm sure it's just the beginning.

Skill #2) Chewing on her tongue...which makes it look like she's chomping on a piece of gum and she could at any moment blow a bubble.

Skill #3) Lounging - okay so she's had this skill since birth
Livin' the Life

Happy girl ( :

Skill #4) Drinking water

We went swimming at the YMCA, Lahna loved the water.  I learned not to put her on her stomach because the first thing she does is stick her face in the water and gulp away...she tried to drink the water multiple times.  She also has started drinking the water while she's in the bathtub. I'm guessing chlorine is probably not the best thing for a baby and her diaper was proof. 

Apprehensive about the whole swimming thing

Contemplating how to drink the pool water

Dreaming about drinking the pool water.

Skill #5) Making normal faces
It's hard to get a picture of her looking normal, not that I don't think her gremlin faces are adorable, but I have to admit at this age she's say the least.
After swimming we bundled her up in a cuddly bear outfit and she sure liked it because she was all smiles. 

Can we all say...Awwww

Skill #6) Kicking her socks off - I admit this one makes me a hypocrite.  While I love having my shoes and socks off I don't like when she does, her feet and hands are already cold and having no socks on just doesn't help.  But for the life of me I can't get her to keep them on.

My barefoot girl!

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