Monday, November 28, 2011


Here are the rest of the fall pictures I promised...
The first two pictures are cookies Jamie and I made for Cara's bridal shower. 
They're mini-wedding cakes!

Now on to the fun pictures...
"Look at the pretty leaf I found!"

Thanks for her beautiful dress Rachel Calkins!

Cute face Lahna.

Much better for Lahna, but now Ryan isn't looking.

Jackson and Ryan


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lahna's Escapades

More fall pictures and some fun stories about Lahna's antics
Lahna loves Cheerios!


The following picture was taken while Jamie was gone for the weekend.  Marcus put the boys in their adorable Chiefs outfits but the best part is how Ryan is "pimped" out with his Chiefs pacifier on a gold chain!  Nice touch Marcus!

Lahna thought it would be fun to put Cheerios on Jackson's head.  Jackson didn't seem to mind one bit.

Lahna is now a climber.  She gets on anything and everything she can.  Bryce even plays a game with her where he throws toys onto the couch and she climbs on the couch to retrieve them and bring them back to him.  Sounds a lot like fetch....great parenting!
Fishing a mint out
After she got one of the mints out I put her down on the floor.  She took off running, opened the mint, and was sucking on it before I could get to her.  When I took the mint away she threw her body on the floor and screamed bloody murder.  Don't worry she was determined to get another mint.  She figured she would push a box over to the table and try another way...

She also likes to climb in and out of the bath tub.

Lahna was playing one day when I heard her yelling.  When I ran in the other room she was stuck in her drum.  I don't know how she got in but she sure couldn't get back out!  And of course like a good parent I took pictures before helping her out.


While baking at Jamie's we put the kids downstairs in the playroom.  Ryan and Jackson were sitting in their entertainers and Lahna was walking around playing.  We were busy frosting cookies when it got really quiet, always the first sign that something might be wrong.  When I went down to check on the kids here is what I found....
Lahna must have felt left out because she climbed in with Ryan
Lahna smashing poor Ryan...he wasn't to worried.
I still can't figure out how she climbed in there.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pumpkin Goop

The star of the blog is usually Lahna, but not today.  Today's blog star is Jackson!  I took a couple of pumpkins over to Jamie's house and we let the kids play in the goop!  Lahna played for a few minutes and then decided to go find something else to do.  Zeke hated the goop...the minute it touched him he gave a grossed out look, crawled away, and did not come back.  Ryan was hesitant at first but he came around.  Jackson was enthralled from the minute he put his little hands in the pumpkin!  He squished it, smeared it all over, and even tasted it.  He absolutely loved it.

Four babies checking out the goop.


Not quite sure she wants to touch it.

Finally brave enough to see what it's all about.

So much fun he wanted to play with both pumpkins at the same time.


Not so sure.



Happy boys covered in pumpkin ( :

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall Fun

I have tons of fall pictures to post, so this is just one of many fall blogs.  You can tell how nice this fall weather has been by looking at the clothes the babies are wearing.  Shorts and sleeveless dresses in October...yes please!
Frankenstein socks for the boys and pumpkin socks on Lahna. 
Thanks Grandma!

"No more pictures, Mom!"

Jed and Tara ( :


Awww..Lahna and Uncle Hank

Cute baby chair at HyVee

Just chillin'

She put the stick she found on the flower

Now that she walks Lahna loves to chase the cats around.  She can't help but pull their tails or sit on them.  She still doesn't quite get what "gentle" means.