Friday, December 6, 2013

Bowen 9 months

Bowen is 9 months!
Gets second tooth
Loves peanut butter
Makes kissing noises
Still wakes up every 3 hours at night
Walks three steps by himself
Loves meatballs
Clicks tongue

Monday, December 2, 2013

Baking with Mom!

Baking day with mom!
Lahna loves to bake with me. She adds the ingredients and likes to stir everything together. Grandma Kimmy bought Lahna a pretty pink apron which she loves to wear and always makes me wear my apron too.

The best part is getting to lick the bowl and spoon

Making mud pie with gummy frogs

Eating mudpie with a shovel

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bowen 8 months

Bowen is 8 months!
At his appointment Bowen weighed 21 lbs (76%) 
Fake coughs to be funny
Loves to play in the tupperware drawer
Throws the ball and plays "catch"
Says "bye bye"
Walks while pushing things
Stands up for long periods of time
Crawls across zebra blanket and giggles

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bowen 7 months

Bowen is 7 months old!
Loves to dance
Gets his first tooth after 2 nights of no sleep
Stands on his own
Says "Dada"
Blinks eyes to be funny
Finally sleeps for 6 hours straight
Climbs the stairs

The first and last pictures are of Bowen and the middle two pictures are Lahna.
 I was surprised how alike they looked!

Bowen blinking his eyes

Dancing while eating a banana

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bowen 6 months

Bowen is 6 months old!
At his appointment Bowen weighed 20 lbs. (77%) and was 28" (97%)
Goes from hands and knees to crawling
Sleeps in his crib all night
Pulls himself up on the couch
Is sick for the first time
Still wakes up at night every 2 hours
Starts teething

Look Ma, no hands!

When Bowen first started pulling himself up on the furniture he would get so upset because he couldn't get back down.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fair, Adventureland & the Zoo

Iowa State Fair

Lahna and Aunt Jamie at the fair

Excited to meet Clifford

Ice Cream!
Going down the big slide with Dad.

Enjoying some deep fried Oreos. My favorite.

The kids didn't go on a ton of rides but the ones they rode they loved. They especially loved the water park.

The kids favorite part of the zoo was the giraffes. There was one giraffe that was trying so hard to get leaves from the trees. Then the kids got to feed the giraffes lettuce. Lahna talked about the giraffes and getting to feed it lettuce for weeks after.