Monday, June 11, 2012

flowers, fingerpaint, and whales

Lahna loves playing in the dirt and sometimes even eating it, but grandma put her to work and made her get ready for Henry's graduation party by planting flowers.

Good little helper ( :
Lahna loves to sit and color so I decided to try out finger painting.  It was quite messy but she had tons of fun, but now instead of coloring all she wants to do is get out the paints.

"Look Mom!"

I just had to hang her artwork up!!

Lahna's masterpiece

Bryce and I celebrated our three year anniversary by going the Cheesecake Factory, of course!  The food was great and it was so relaxing.  Thanks for watching Lahna Dan and Jessie!
Not loving the kisses

Wow, all three of us looking at the camera at the same time rarely happens.

Lahna is now talking up a storm.  Ask her to say any word and she will at least attempt to repeat it back.  I'm not sure why but I get a kick out of her saying the word whale.  This is after Henry's graduation party so she is clearly hyper off the enormous amount of sugar she was fed throughout the night....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I scream for Ice scream

The kids lounged by the pool in their swim suits while eating
ice cream cones at Grandma's house.
 I'd call that one perfect day!

Opps!  They forgot to wait 30 minutes before swimming.


Lahna decided to share her ice cream with the cat. 
She thought it was so funny when the kitty licked her fingers. 

We like to go on family walks to McDonalds and share an ice cream cone.  Lahna definitely gets to eat most of it, although her and Bryce tend to fight over whose turn it really is.

Who doesn't smile while eating ice cream!?
(unless you're lactose intolerant)