Friday, September 23, 2011

Trouble with a capital T

Lahna is usually a very happy baby and such a sweet heart, but she can also be Trouble!  She loves to unroll the toilet paper and although she does these things I keep thinking how much more she will get into once she starts walking...

Lahna found a grasshopper on the ground and before I could stop her she had it in her mouth, there I am fishing an insect leg out of her mouth and yet it wasn't the first time.  I've also had to stop her from eating a moth and a cicada.  It's not just bugs either, I still can't keep her away from the dog and cat food.

"Hey Mom, look what I found!"

So proud.

I also can't keep Lahna in her highchair when she eats.  No matter how fast I shovel food in her mouth she just can't seem to sit still. 

She may look all sweet and innocent....

Just standing big deal.

Okay, crawling off the highchair tray...kind of a big deal.
"Am I doing something wrong?"

You may be thinking that I should just strap her in, but I find it easier to just make her eat on the floor...and no I'm not kidding, who cares if she eats like a sure makes her happy ( :

While exploring Katie's room one day Lahna happened upon a box of Hot Tamales and of course the first thing she does is stick one in her mouth.  I thought she would think it was hot and spit it out, but oh no she grabbed for another one.  Now every time you take your eyes off her she darts for the stairs sprints up them and is in Katie's room with her little hand deep in the box before you can even blink.

Trying to figure out how to open the box.

Angry face.  She can no longer get the box open!

Trying to climb out of the bath tub.

Making a face at me when I tell her to sit back down.

Lahna likes to get into Bryce's wallet, take everything out, and throw it all on the floor.

She found the debit card...way too young to start that!

And of course her go-to move...eating the wallet!

The screen door at my mom's house has been cut open at the bottom for a make-shift cat door, courtesy of the cats who live there.  Lahna has seen the cats crawl out the door millions of times and has now decided she wants to be like them.

Don't worry I'm at the bottom of the stairs...

Yes she may be Trouble and she may get into everything and she will most definitely get into more trouble the older she gets but I love her all the same.  I mean look at this cute little face...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Birthday and other fun!

At the zoo!

Lahna and Maggie!!! ( : Lots of love

After work one day Bryce and Lahna picked me up and when I walked out to the car this is what I found....
Don't worry the car is in park and yes that is Lahna wearing my headband.  She looks pretty tough if you ask me!

Bryce kept complaining about the ridiculous amount of "My Aunt loves me" clothes but never anything about uncles.  He finally found "My uncle rocks" shirts and couldn't resist getting them for the boys!
Bryce and the boys

At the Iowa State Fair...

One day while Bryce was trying to eat his sandwich Lahna spotted it and would not leave Bryce alone.  She was literally attacking him trying to get his sandwich out of his mouth. 

Bryce turned 25 this month!!!

Lahna's checking out the goodies...don't worry Grandpa Wes gave her some frosting!

Yum...chocolate peanut butter and Oreo cupcakes!

Lahna's new favorite food....grilled cheese!


Dad throwing Lahna in the air...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

And the winner is....

Iowa State! 

Cousins in their Iowa State gear. (Lenny showed up for the football game)

Lahna with a bow...looks a little bit less like a boy


They didn't sit still for long...

We obviously fought over what team Lahna was going to wear so here she is in both!

After the game...we're happy ( :  Bryce not so much

Alright, alright maybe I was being a poor winner!

Table Rock Lake #2

In August Lahna and I went to Table Rock Lake with my family.  Except for the rain the weather was great for camping!  We had lots of fun swimming and Lahna even went on her first tube ride ( :

4 generations!

Love my sisters...don't know what I would do without them!  Hopefully Jamie can make it next year!
Lahna's first tube ride! Don't worry I'm just hiding...see picture below

Jada tubing - quite the daredevil

Lucas and Grandma Diane

Lahna fell asleep while watching people ski

Jada learning to ski

Sommer slaloming

cliff jumping

Lahna and cousin Zeke

Jed teaching Lahna to ski

Diane and Dean

Tara and Jed

Granola bar anyone?!

Hanging out with Grandma
On the last morning there we had pancakes and Lahna sure loved them!!!

"Yay pancakes!"

After a fun week of vacation it was nice to come home and see Dad.  Can't wait for next year!