Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Last Tuesday was our two year anniversary and we finally went on a much needed date to the Cheesecake Factory and we had their tower truffle cake which was to die for!

While we were at dinner Lahna hung out with Dan, Jessie and Wrigley.  She had so much fun and absolutely loved Wrigley...and I'm pretty sure he loved her too!

How cute is this!?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Half Birthday!

Today is Lahna's half birthday!!!
Lahna is so amazing and life with her is such an adventure.
I am unbelievably blessed!

So to celebrate I've posted some recent pictures of Lahna... 
(I know it's not as good as birthday cake but I hope you still enjoy!)
Reading with Dad

Bored reading....wearing the book as a hat, so fashion forward!

Naps with Dad

Loving her new found ability to crawl

Always on the go

So obviously this one isn't Lahna...but Ryan looks so cute sitting on the couch I had to sneak it in here!

Piggybacks from Evan

Yes...she does pull-ups

She thinks she can have whatever she wants, here she wanted the camera and she sure gets close

 haha...close enough to lick the lens, and believe me she did!

Lahna is uber talented here she is playing the guitar

And not only can Lahna play the guitar, she can play while standing!

And here she is in all her glory...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mothers Day

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Last Sunday was my first Mother's Day and I loved every minute of it!  When I woke up to Lahna in the morning I found a gift in her crib! She gave me blueberry muffins, chocolate milk, a card and running shoes!  After a delicious muffin and chocolate milk we went to church and the twins were baptized! 


Ryan and Jackson...the cutest little boys I've ever seen!

Jamie and Lahna had matching dresses...so we had to get a picture!

We were so happy Kim was in town so we could celebrate Mother's Day with both my mom and Bryce's mom!  I am so thankful to her for raising such a loving man it is so fun to watch him love our daughter!
Thank you Kim!

Austin let Lahna drive the scooter...

No worries...she only hit a couple of things

She's getting so big!
And for your viewing pleasure...Lahna has learned a new skill, so it might not be an actual skill but its pretty darn cute!

Friday, May 6, 2011

NFL Draft

Last Thursday night we went to Marcus and Jamie's house to watch the NFL draft, and by watch I mean Marcus and Bryce watched the draft while Jamie and I watched the babies!

All decked out in their Lions gear (Lenny showed up for football!)

Lahna loved the Lions first round pick she was so excited she couldn't stop giggling

On the other hand...Jackson wasn't too pleased about the Chiefs pick...
So confused!

After a long night of football Lahna crashed

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Puppy and Bathtime

 Lahna loves her puppy.  She plays with him and lets him lick her face, and sometimes she licks him back.

"Look Ma no hands"

Here's a fun video of Lahna in the bath...

Kitty Cat!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Go Cyclones!

My vote is cyclone fan, but I know Bryce has other ideas.  And although you may agree with Bryce on this one you have to admit she looks darn cute in her ISU hat!

Look at those baby blues!