Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just a Day in the Life

From a very unbiased perspective I'd say Lahna likes Iowa State better...

So ashamed

So Happy (  :

This past weekend was State wrestling...Lahna had team spirit and was cheering for Grandpa Wes at Omaha Burke.  They took 3rd place with two champions. Good job Justice, Jake and of course Grandpa!!!

Stryder giving Lahna kisses

I usually don't take pictures of Lahna and me together because it's hard to get her to look at the camera...but this is the best I could do.  As you can see from the following pictures we need to work on our communication.

Looking when I'm not

Not looking when I am

For the past 7 days Lahna has not pooped.  The poor girl is a grumpy gus about it and I would be too if I was in the same prediciment.  So the doctor told us to give her watered down apple juice (which she gulped down without thinking twice about it not being milk) but it still hasn't worked...I'll make sure to keep you updated since I'm sure you're dying to know when Lahna will poop next!

Trying to comfort Lahna
As you can see they are pretending to sleep, but not doing a very good job of it

1 comment:

  1. Charlie often goes several days without pooping, too. Our doc said 7 days is perfectly normal for a breastfed baby, so that's good. Hope she gets it all out soon so she can be a smiley girl again :D
