Friday, January 6, 2012

Emergency Room & Random

Poor baby girl was really sick a few months ago.  She had a temperature of 104.  Of course she didn't have a temperature until late at night, so we had to take her to the Emergency Room instead of being able to go to the doctors office.  They ran some tests (she screamed the whole time, even when they just walked in the room and looked at her) and took an x-ray of her chest.  They told us she had walking pneumonia, which I'm told is much better than regular pneumonia.  We were given a prescription and told to check back with our doctor the next day.  She was still running a 102 temperature when we went to the doctor so we were given a different antibiotic and told her temperature would go down.  That night when I went to check on Lahna she was burning up with a 104.6 temperature and breathing pretty heavy.  Bryce was working second shift so I kind of freaked (just a little) but I talked to a very nice doctor on the phone who calmed down my, this is my first child so I've never been through this before, hysteria. She's back to being her spunky, never slow down  self.


They tried to console her with toys.  It only worked when they weren't in the room.

Little hospital gown...too cute ( :

On a much lighter note....Bryce made me a chocolate covered pretzel Christmas tree. 
Chocolate in a creative design. 
He really gets me!

And another random picture.  Lahna trying to look like grandma.  I wonder if she's seen my mom make this face with the pouting lips and all...weird.

Bryce and Lahna looking at guns.  She seems to be aiming at something.  I'm pretty sure, actually I'm positive, they have a sign that says Under 18 years of age - do not touch guns.  Opps, I don't think we could pass Lahna for 18.

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